In a race where the two leading GOP candidates soak up much of the media attention, Chuck Hagel might consider that this is a nomination that may be too hard to win. But there is a way to go yet.
Hagel has a solid and reliable record. In a year where the Iraq War will become an even more sordid an affair for the Bush Administration, attention will focus heavily on the current and previous positions of potential candidates.
Hagel has good form here. He was an early opponent of the war, urging extreme caution before the commitment of troops. And he recently has called for a phased withdrawal of U.S Troops. Hagel should know about war. He is a heavily decorated Vietnam Veteran.
The issue for Hagel will be if he can compete against the more prominent candidates, and if he can raise enough to run an effective campaign.
If, as is likely, the Iraq War becomes the issue in the 08 election, Hagel appears to have the most credibility on this matter. This could well appeal to Republicans who consider that the only hope to retain the White House is to distance themselves from the mistakes of the Bush Administration.
On the finance side it is anyone's guess. But if he does emerge as a front runner, expect the money to come, especially if some of the other leading candidates fall over along the way.
An announcement by Hagel may not be imminent, but it is almost certain that he is seriously considering the option.